Local Heritage List

Use this guide to find information onLambeth’s Local Heritage List

Why the council lists local buildings

The council locally lists in order to give the archaeology, buildings and designed spaces the recognition that they deserve. Local listing is a way of flagging up to owners and decision makers that the asset is of value to the local scene, character or history.

Locally listed assets are chosen according to their:

The architectural style, decoration and detailing, materials, craftsmanship and plan form may give it special interest if these features are of particular note - above the ordinary in their design and execution, and reasonably intact. This criterion can include the best works of architects who were active locally. In some cases, altered buildings may still be worthy of inclusion, especially if by an architect of importance.

Buildings and structures that reflect the diverse aspects of the social, economic, and physical development of Lambeth may be of interest. If the building type is reasonably common (houses, pubs, churches), only the best examples will be added to the list.

Close historical association
Connections with people or events that are acknowledged as being of borough-wide/national importance may make some buildings worthy of inclusion. Building materials of clear local interest (such as Doulton's architectural ceramics) may be considered in this category.

Some buildings and structures contribute to the richness of our street scene. Individually or in groups, they may contribute greatly to the quality of local townscape or landscape. Similarly, they may contribute positively to the setting or group value of statutory listed buildings.

Age and rarity
The older a building or structure is and/or the fewer the surviving examples of its type, the more historically important it is.

Locally listed buildings are not given a grade like statutory listed buildings.