Lambeth localities summary

This page summarises locality profiles downloaded from Public Health England’s local health website. The locality profiles were produced by aggregating ward level data

This page summarises locality profiles downloaded from Public Health England’s local health
. The locality profiles were produced by aggregating ward level data.

The profiles provide data on a range of indicators that describe population, child health, adult health, housing and living environment, hospital admissions and mortality. This summary compares indicators across localities. All localities are significantly worse than England in the deprivation indicators used. There are no clear differences between localities but overall, South West locality fares better in a number of indicators compared to the other localities.

Localities by ward

North locality

The 2012 mid-year estimate (MYE) gave a population of 72,808.

The North locality includes these wards:

  • Bishops
  • Larkhall
  • Oval
  • Princes
  • Stockwell

South East locality

The 2012 mid-year estimate (MYE) gave a population of 137,571.

The South East locality includes these wards:

  • Brixton Hill
  • Coldharbour
  • Ferndale
  • Gipsy Hill
  • Herne Hill
  • Knight’s Hill
  • Thurlow Park
  • Tulse Hill
  • Vassall

South West locality

The 2012 mid-year estimate (MYE) gave a population of 99,821.

The South West locality includes these wards:

  • Clapham Town
  • Clapham Common
  • St Leonard’s
  • Streatham Hill
  • Streatham South
  • Streatham Wells
  • Thornton


The population of Lambeth is younger than the population in England. The population of young people aged 16 to 24 is highest in North Lambeth (13.4%) compared to the lowest in South West Lambeth (10.5%). The proportion of older people aged 65 and over is highest in South West (8.2%) and lowest in South East (7.3%). The Lambeth population is extremely diverse. Across all localities, the population whose ethnicity is not ‘White UK’ is high – 62% in North, 62.5% in South East, 58% in South West.


Income deprivation is significantly worse than that in England in all localities. The proportion of children experiencing poverty is twice as high as in England in all localities except South West where child poverty is still significantly worse than England. Older people in deprivation is also twice as high as in England in all localities except South West where it is still significantly worse than England.

Child development, education and employment

Low birth weight births is significantly worse than England in North and not significantly different in South East or South West. Child development at age 5 and GCSE achievement (5A*-C inc. English and Maths) is not significantly different from England in all localities. Unemployment (JSA claimants) and long-term unemployment (claiming JSA for >1 year) is significantly worse in all localities.

Health and care

In the following indicators (general health very bad, general health bad or very bad, limiting long term illness or disability, provides 1 hour or more unpaid care per week, provides 50 hours or more unpaid care per week), all localities are significantly better than England with the following exceptions: general health very bad is not significantly different compared to England average in North and South East.

Housing and living environment

The proportion of households with central heating is significantly worse than England in North and South West but not significantly different in South East. Overcrowding (households with at least 1 room too few) is three times higher than England in all localities. Pensioners living alone is significantly worse than England in all localities.

Children’s weight

Children’s weight is measured in reception year and Year 6 as part of the National Child Measurement Programme. The number of obese children and children with excess weight in both school years measured is significantly worse than England in all localities except South West where there is no significant difference in Reception year children.

Children’s health care activity

In under 5s, admissions for injuries and emergency admissions is significantly better than England in all localities. However, A&E attendances in under 5s is significantly worse than England in all localities.

In under 18s, admissions for injuries is significantly better than England in all localities.

Adults’ lifestyle

The percentage of obese adults is significantly better than England in all localities. The percentage of binge drinking adults is not significantly different than England in North and South West and significantly better in South East. The percentage of healthy eating adults is significantly better than England in all localities.

Emergency hospital admissions

Emergency admissions in the five years 2008/9 to 2012/13 for all causes, CHD, stroke, MI and COPD were estimated from MSOA (Middle Layer Super Output Area) level data. Emergency admissions for stroke and COPD are significantly worse than England in all localities. In North, emergency admissions for all causes is also significantly worse than England.

Cancer incidence

Cancer incidence (2007-2011) was estimated at MSOA level. Incidence of all cancers is significantly worse than England in all localities. Lung cancer incidence is significantly worse than England in North and South East and not significantly different in South West. Prostate cancer incidence is significantly worse than England in all localities.

Hospital admissions – harm and injury

Hospital admissions in the five years 2008/9 to 2012/13 were estimated from MSOA level data including stays for self-harm, alcohol-related harm, emergency admissions for hip fracture aged 65+, elective admissions for hip replacement and knee replacement. In South East, hospital admissions are significantly better than England in all of these measures. In South West, hospital admissions are significantly better than England in all of these measures except hip fracture aged 65+ where it is not significantly different. In North, hospital admissions are significantly better than England for self harm stays and elective admissions for hip replacement and not different in the remaining measures.

Mortality and causes of death – all ages

Causes of deaths – all causes, all cancer, all circulatory disease, coronary heart disease, stroke, respiratory disease – were counted from 2008-2012. North locality is significantly worse than England in all causes, all cancer and respiratory diseases. South East locality is significantly worse than England in all causes and all cancer. South West locality is significantly worse than England in all causes only.

Mortality and causes of death – premature mortality

Premature mortality – all causes aged under 65, all causes aged under 75, all cancer aged under 75, all circulatory disease aged under 75, coronary heart disease aged under 75 – were counted from 2008-2012. In North locality, premature deaths due to all causes aged under 65, all causes aged under 75 and circulatory disease is significantly worse than England. In South East locality, premature deaths in all categories except CHD is significantly worse than England. In South West locality, premature deaths due to all causes aged under 75 and all cancer is significantly worse than England.

Modelled prevalence of young people who smoke, numbers

The number of young people who occasionally smoke or regularly smoke is highest in South East and lowest in North.