Scrutinising the work of the Council

The Overview and Scrutiny Committee is the council’s single overarching scrutiny committee. The committee is responsible for scrutinising the whole range of the Council’s functions and responsibilities, as well as other public service providers’ work and its impact on the local community.

How scrutiny works at Lambeth

The Overview and Scrutiny Committee meets, in public, six times per year. The committee can also establish short-term scrutiny 'commissions' to undertake in-depth, single-issue, reviews.

The committee comprises the Chair, three Vice-Chairs and an additional five members for each meeting (the committee’s membership at each meeting will comprise nine Councillors, plus relevant co-opted members).

The committee decides its own work programme. This is based on a range of factors including suggestions made by the public, issues of strategic importance or areas where performance could be improved.

At scrutiny meetings Councillors aim to hear from as wide a range of people as possible. This often includes reports and presentations from the relevant council department and partner organisations and representations from local interest groups or individuals.

As a result of their meetings scrutiny Councillors will often develop recommendations for improvement. Decision-makers (such as the Council's Cabinet or senior officers) are required to respond to any such recommendations.

The rules governing the Council’s scrutiny committees and commissions are set out in the Scrutiny Procedure Rules in Part 3 of the Council's Constitution. The Council set up a new scrutiny structure overseen by a single Overview and Scrutiny Committee in May 2014. Reports for scrutiny committees and commissions prior to this date can be accessed via the link to Expired Committees