Pre-submission publication of the Draft Revised Lambeth Local Plan

This page provides information about pre-submission publication of the Draft Revised Lambeth Local Plan.

The Draft Revised Lambeth Local Plan Proposed Submission Version January 2020 and associated Proposed Changes to the Policies Map January 2020 (DRLLP PSV and associated PCPM Jan 2020) were published prior to submission for independent examination, in accordance with Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.

Pre-submission publication took place between 31 January and 13 March 2020 and is now closed.

Lambeth is also reviewing its Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule. Visit the Lambeth's Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule for more information.

Lambeth is also consulting on two draft Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs): Affordable workspace SPD and Design Code SPD. These draft SPDs set out further guidance to policies in the Draft Revised Lambeth Local Plan Proposed Submission Version January 2020.

Proposed submission documents