Abandoned and illegally parked vehicles

Use this guide to find information on abandoned and illegally parked vehicles in Lambeth.

If your vehicle is illegally parked on an estate (on yellow lines or hatched areas, for example) or causing an obstruction, especially for emergency vehicles, it may be tagged for removal to the vehicle pound. This will happen within 24 hours, or even removed immediately if the issue is urgent.

Abandoned vehicles

Abandoned vehicles, or vehicles presenting a health and safety risk, will also be stickered and removed to the pound.

Vehicles are classed as abandoned and may be removed if they are either:

  • untaxed and parked on an estate without a SORN notice
  • parked with a SORN notice but without the permission of the Neighbourhood Housing Manager (NMH).

Vehicles with a SORN notice and parked with the permission of the NHM must display both the SORN notice and a parking permit, where applicable, or it may be removed. Even taxed vehicles can be removed as abandoned if they meet certain criteria, such as not having moved for a long period of time or being in a poor condition.