Have your say on Lambeth School Streets

In 2020 Lambeth introduced a number of new School Street schemes. These schemes are now moving to an Experimental Traffic Order and we want your views on this. The consultation runs from 14 June to 14 December 2021.

Van Gogh Hackford Road
Open date: Monday, 14 June 2021 at 9.00am Close date: Tuesday, 14 December 2021 at 11.59pm Type: Consultation Neighbourhood: Lambeth wide Categories:
  • Schools and education
  • Streets, roads and transport

Please note this consultation is closed

Please give us your views on Lambeth School Streets

Lambeth Council is looking to make the journey to school safer for pupils by introducing School Streets.   

School Streets restrict vehicle access to the school gates during pick up and drop off times. This aims to help reduce road danger, tackle congestion and improve air quality; creating safer and more pleasant environments outside of schools in the borough.   

A guiding principle in the Lambeth Transport Strategy is the “focus on people rather than traffic to enable people to travel safely and live healthier, more enjoyable lives”. The implementation of “school road closures” is recommended as a means of enabling “walking and cycling to school, particularly where car use is high, to reduce motor traffic, tackle health issues and improve air quality.”   

Vehicles registered to a residential or business address within the School Street closure zone, and Blue Badge holders who require access, are eligible for exemption. There will be no restrictions to emergency service vehicles.   

Schemes are now being implemented on an experimental traffic order.   

We are currently collating your feedback about the scheme and welcome your views.

For more information, please visit: 


How to respond

To make a comment on a School Street scheme, please click on the tiles on the Commonplace page: 

 Respond on Commonplace site

For objections, please email: 
