Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) Local Offer

The Local Offer gives children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) and their families information about help and services in Lambeth.

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About the Local Offer - what is it?

The Local Offer brings together in one place information about health, education and social care for:

  • children and young people from birth to 25 years old who have SEND
  • parents and carers of children with SEND
  • professionals working in health, care and education
  • providers of services for children and young people.

The Local Offer supports our pledge to children and young people with SEND to provide an effective and responsive service to our community.

Find out about the services on offer for children and young people who have special educational needs and disabilities. 

Local offer: SEND support and information

The Local Offer sets out what services, activities and providers are available, and how to access them in what we hope is a clear and accessible way.

If you would prefer to talk so someone about what specific service, activities or providers are on the Local Offer, please email localoffer@lambeth.gov.uk or call the SEND team on 020 7926 9460 and ask to speak with the Local Offer officer. We will then contact you to arrange a meeting or discuss your requirements.


If you don’t speak English well enough to understand the information in the Local Offer, you can use the Google translate button at the bottom of the page to translate it into your language.

Schools’ Local Offer

Every school has a Local Offer, also known as the SEN information report.

Use the Map of schools, colleges and nurseries to find a school and a link to their SEND information report.

Outside Lambeth

Depending on where you live, you may be able to use services in neighbouring boroughs.

You can find information about help and services in their Local Offers:

Other ways to find help and services

SENDirect is a national website that:

  • lists information and services for families of children with SEND
  • offers a listing and payment service for service providers
  • helps professionals to contact services.

Visit the SENDirect website