Lambeth Equality Commissioners

The Equality Commission brings together 12 senior figures, including representatives from business, local voluntary and community sector organisations and research organisations. 

Reverend Rosemarie Mallet

Reverend Rosemarie Mallet is Vicar of St.John the Evangelist, Angell Town which she has served there since December 2007.

She is also the Kingston Area Chair for Minority Ethnic Anglican Concerns (MEAC) and Chair of the National Board of Affirming Catholicism and a Trustee of Inclusive Church.

Born in Barbados, Rosemarie has travelled many routes to arrive as an urban parish priest in London.

Starting out as a historian of the Caribbean, Africa and black Britain, she then moved on to Africa and then home to the Caribbean to work as a development sociologist. Then all change in a move to London to work as a senior medical sociologist and ethno-cultural mental health research scientist, and through community activism and church engagement somehow finding the path from academia to becoming a parish priest and mother of a teenage daughter.

She is engaged in church development locally and nationally and continues to promote issues of justice and equity for women and minority ethnic people in church and outside.

As well as being a local parish priest, Rosemarie is also involved in a number of local and borough-wide initiatives that are working to build and sustain community cohesion. She is deeply interested in issues of faith in public life, church engagement with community issues at the local and national level and issues of justice and equity within the church and outside.